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2 Aralık 2018 Pazar

2. Sınıf İngilizce Günlük Ders Planı 14

Yazan: Veysel Bingöl  |  Yorum yok

İlkokul 2. Sınıf İngilizce Günlük Ders Planı 14 . Hafta

2018-2019 ACADEMIC YEAR ………………………….. PRIMARY SCHOOL

Teacher: ……………………….                                               Date: December 17-21, 2018

Topic: Numbers                                                                       Duration: 80 minutes

Grade: 2                                                              

Materials: Course book, videos, PowerPoint, classroom objects, computer

Methods and techniques: Demonstration, Communicative language teaching, ALM


1.By the end of the lesson, students will be able to remember numbers from 0 to 10.
2.By the end of the lesson, students will be able to express quantity and numbers from 0 to 10.
3.By the end of the lesson, students will be able to identify the difference between singular and plural nouns and ask a question with ‘How many…….. are there?’ expression.


1. The teacher greets the class first. The teacher begins the lesson by asking the students to tell what a plural noun is. T repeats the classroom objects they’ve learnt before. At the next step, firstly the teacher shows a pencil, secondly, he/she shows more than one pencil. So, the teacher emphasizes the difference between plural and singular noun. The teacher practices the singular and plural nouns with the students by a PowerPoint. Finally, she/he asks “how many ……are there?” and gives the answer as an example;

A: How many pencils are there?  B: There are two pencils

After that, the teacher opens another PowerPoint and wants them to give their responses according to the pictures on slides.


2. The teacher asks the students to open their course books page 63. The students look at the pictures, then ask and answer them. At page 68, the students color the pictures and match them with numbers. At page 69, the teacher asks the students look at the picture and match.


3. The teacher opens two videos which consist of songs and stories about singular/plural nouns and ‘how many…. are there?’.

4. Finally, the teacher asks some questions with ‘How many….?’ By showing the students’ classroom objects and wants them to give their answers.

         …………………….                                                                    ………………….
          İngilizce Öğretmeni                                                                      Okul Müdürü

14:15:00 Paylaş:
bilgi Veysel B.

'Bilgi paylaştıkça çoğalır.' Takip ettiğiniz yayınları sosyal medyada paylaşıp daha çok kişiye duyurabilirsiniz. - Takip Edin

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